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Assembly Source File
117 lines
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comment *
This code will parse an command line and place all command line
arguments onto the stack and build "argc" and an "argv" array to
allow access to these arguments.
6 Jan 85 Raymond Moon
include \MASM\EQUATES.H ; Include Equates header file
include \MASM\MACRO.H ; Include Macro header file
GRP group CSEG,DSEG ; All segments in same segment
assume cs:GRP,ds:GRP,es:GRP,ss:GRP
subttl Data Segments
subttl Code Segment
CSEG segment para public 'CODE'
; Define external procedures
extrn CLS:near,ISDOS2:near
; Define all procedures as public for debugging
public MAIN
; Define Command Line arguments located in the PSP
org 80h
PARMS db 127 dup(?)
; MAIN procedure parses the Command Line
org 100h ; .COM file format
MAIN proc far
push pDOS_ERR ; Pass addr of DOS_ERR
call ISDOS2 ; Check to see if DOS is 2.0+
add sp,2 ; Reset SP
cmp PARM_LEN,0 ; Are there any Command Line arguments
jne MN1 ; Yes, process them
call MENU ; No, go to Menu
MN1: xor cx,cx ; Null CX
push cx ; This ensures last *argv ends in NUL
mov cl,PARM_LEN ; Get # of bytes in Command Line
inc cl ; Increment CL to ensure round up
and cx,0feh ; Force an even count
mov ax,sp ; Get SP
mov bp,sp ; Set BP to last byte of Cmd Ln
sub ax,cx ; Subtract PARM_LEN
mov sp,ax ; Reset SP, room on Stack
lea si,PARMS ; Load source addr in SI
mov di,sp ; Load destin addr in DI
cld ; Ensure Direction Flag is up
rep movsb ; Move Command Line onto the Stack
; Convert all blanks in the Command Line to Nul
mov bx,bp ; BX points to last byte of Cmd Ln
MN2: mov al,[bx] ; Get byte
cmp al,BLNK ; Is it a blank?
ja MN3 ; No, go set up to get another
xor al,al ; Nul AX
mov [bx],al ; Store Nul in [BX]
MN3: dec bx ; BX point to next byte
cmp bx,sp ; Are we through yet?
jnb MN2 ; No, go one mo' 'gin
; Build *argv[]. argc kept in CX. DX used as IN_WORD flag
xor cx,cx ; Set CX (argc) to 0
xor dx,dx ; Set DX to NOT_INWORD
mov bx,bp ; BX point to last byte
mov bp,sp ; BP now points to Top of Stack
MN4: mov al,[bx] ; Get byte
cmp al,0 ; Is it Nul?
jne MN5 ; No, it is a char
cmp dx,0 ; Was the last byte not a char?
je MN6 ; Yes, go on with the processing
xor dx,dx ; No, it was a char. Clear INWORD.
inc cx ; Increment argc
inc bx ; BX points to Cmd Ln arg
push bx ; Push addr onto stack
dec bx ; Reset BX
jmp short MN6 ; Go set up for another byte
MN5: inc dx ; Set DX to INWORD
MN6: dec bx ; BX point to next byte
cmp bx,bp ; Are we at the 1st byte yet?
jnb MN4 ; No, go process another
; Set up for and call ?
push cx ; Push ARGC onto stack
call CMDLN ; Call Cmd Ln processor
MAIN endp